Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Decision+Choice+Time+Future= LIFE

Don't you find it hard sometimes to make the right choice and decision in life that will relate to your future...
What I'm saying is very subjective indeed, not only prior to your professional life or your personal life. I think everyone has come to this stage in certain time of their life.. don't you think so?? Is either that time where you have to make the right decision in the shortest period of time or you have to make the right decision without involving or hurting others... Well, for me there a small chances of probability that you will not hurt others though.. I mean "small" like 3%

Because we do live among people, we deal with human-being... We see them mostly everyday in our life's... And we do have a Heart and heaps of Feeling... So that make us very hard to make the right choices without hurting other, we human have this craving of wanted everything that we desire for, but not everything can be fulfilled though even how hard we tried of doing that, that's the beauty of life it self... Its when you fall, you will find the strength to stand up... but the courage of walking back and trying it again that count, because everyone do fall and stand back up, the different in this is how tall would you stand? think about it...

All I'm trying to do here is to make the right decision with less damage to be done... even in surgery there's a 10% defect... All we need is time, but its ticking as we blink our eyes, earth is being cruel day by day you see. Its the right choice and decision that counts now... You can looked back but your feet has to keep moving, as past is a very good teacher, we do learn from them.. but we have to keep moving forward because, I've experience it first handily, it was hard and not fun at all... but I've manage to stand back, but now only i have the courage to walk back again...

Hopefully I do......


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